Schenley Plaza
Friday, June 24, 2011

Tonight's concert features local faves Big Hurry, Jukebox The Ghost, Fitz and the Tantrums and Eli "Paperboy" Reed. The kid's and craft areas have been expanded from previous years and it all starts at 4p.m. with music at 6. Two of the musicians, Tommy from JTG and Eli were cool enough to participate in this special SMF edition of First/Last Friday.
The first album you ever bought?
Tommy Siegel: Beck - "Odelay", on cassette.
Eli “Paperboy” Reed: Travis Tritt - It's All About to Change.
Your last album bought?
Tommy: Ahleuchatistas - "Location Location". They're an instrumental math-rock band that went totally off the deep end on their newest album. Really angular and abrasive and wonderful.
Eli: New Album: Dr. Dog - Shame, Shame. Reissue: Bishop Manning and the Manning Family.
Favorite album of all time?
Tommy: Nearly impossible to say, too many tied for the top. I find it difficult to rank music that I love for very different reasons. Today, I'll say "Emergency & I" by the Dismemberment Plan.
Eli: Changes all the time but probably Sam Cooke - Live at the Harlem Square.
Least favorite/most disappointing album?
Tommy: Hmm....I remember hearing the soundtrack to the 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' remake at my younger cousin's house recently. It had a chipmunk-ified version of the pop hit "Bad Day" and I definitely puked in my mouth a little bit. I've never had a physical reaction to music quite like that, so I'll have to give them the award.
Eli: I wouldn't buy anything that disappointed me.
First concert attended?
Tommy: The Violent Femmes. Best decision I ever made with allowance money as a 12-year-old.
Eli: Pam Tillis.
Last concert?
Tommy: Hop Along, some friends of ours from Philly who played a show in Brooklyn at a DIY space over the weekend. Amazing band. Picture a female-fronted Neutral Milk Hotel.
Eli: Lily & The Parlour Tricks.
Favorite concert ever?
Tommy: Might be stereotypical to say, but seeing Phish at Hampton Coliseum in 1999 totally warped my 13-year-old mind. Things haven't been the same for me ever since.
Eli: Dixie Hummingbirds at a store front church in Roxbury, MA.
Least favorite concert?
Tommy: I have a vague memory of seeing LFO (remember "Summer Girls"?) at a summer festival at some point. Disturbing, to say the least.
Eli: As much as I love him, Ray Charles was a disappointment.
Any thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh?
Tommy: One of best friends is from Pittsburgh (Trawler), and his family has been kind enough to let us crash at their house every time we've come through. Feels like a home away from home on tour! Also, we have nothing but love for the awesome folks at WYEP.
Eli: First time we played there we were so broke we slept in the van. It was hot and disgusting but the show was good!
Thanks guys. From past experience, I know you'll have a good time tonight.
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