Showing posts with label Can't Dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can't Dance. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2015

First/Last-Can't Dance

"Can't Dance is a three-piece "Indie-Rock" band based out of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Drawing influences from great acts you've never heard of such as Pavement, Built to Spill, Dismemberment Plan, and Cloud Nothings. Can't Dance has gained a strong guitar-driven 90’s Alternative sound using youthful imagery in lyrics and crunchy guitar riffs to drive energetic song structures."

Can't Dance is an indie rock band from Johnstown who just released their latest EP entitled "Hearsay". I want to thank Kidd Kovach (Drums) for taking the time to participate in this edition of First/Last.

The first album you ever bought?
Hmm… I really can't remember specifically the first album I bought although if I had to guess it was most likely something from either Nirvana or Pavement.

Your last album bought?
The last album I bought was “Your Favorite Weapon” from Brand New. I mostly got it on a whim. I was looking for something new, and I've liked everything I've heard from Brand New in the past so I figured what the hell. So far I'm satisfied with the purchase.

Favorite album of all the time?
My favorite album of all time has to be “Emergency & I” by The Dismemberment Plan.

First concert attended?
The first concert I've attended was Japandroids in Pittsburgh a couple years ago.

Last concert?
My last concert was Wavves, also in Pittsburgh.

Favorite concert ever?
My favorite concert ever was definitely when I saw Dismemberment Plan in Washington D.C. I saw them 2 nights in a row, and both concerts were the best I've ever been to.

Least favorite concert?
Hmm… this one is tough because I've only ever been to a handful of concerts, and I've enjoyed them all for the most part. But if I had to pick my least favorite it, would have to be the Wavves concert I mentioned earlier. Wavves themselves did fine, but the crowd was pretty lame and douchey. My friend got hit with a shoe so that kinda pissed me off a bit. But the show itself was good.

Any thoughts/experiences about Pittsburgh?
The thing I like about Pittsburgh is even though it really isn't our home town it feels like home. I'm not really sure why, but it just feels natural being there if that makes any sense at all, ha-ha.

Thanks, Kidd. Getting hit with a shoe at a show? Yeah, that's no good.

Monday, July 22, 2013

First/Last-Can't Dance

"Can't Dance, previously known as Like Noise, is a three-piece "Indie-Rock" band based out of Johnstown, Pennsylvania! Drawing influences from such great acts as: Pavement, Built to Spill, Dismemberment Plan, and Cloud Nothings,the band has gained a strong guitar-driven 90’s Alternative sound; using youthful imagery in lyrics and crunchy guitar riffs to drive energetic song structures."

Check out the band at their official Facebook, SoundCloud, BandCamp and Twitter. They have just released their debut EP, "Comfortably Dumb" and hit Pittsburgh tonight at The Smiling Moose on a bill with Northern Faces, Kick Astronaut and Take A Breath Band. I want to thank Garrett McKee (Guitar/Vocals) and Jordan Gorsuch (Guitar/Vocals) for taking the time to participate in this edition of First/Last.

The first album you ever bought?
Garrett McKee: Weirdly enough Iron Maiden “Number of the Beast”.
Jordan Gorsuch: Well I always had a fantastic reserve of music thanks to my older brothers who basically mentored me on music and paved the way to me being an avid music fan. The first vinyl I ever bought for myself was Modest Mouse’s “The Moon and Antarctica”. That album is just so dense and sublime. It’s such a stellar album.

Your last album bought?
Garrett: The xx “Coexist”.
Jordan: I’m so excited about this album to come in! I got the repress of Dismemberment Plan’s absolute classic “Emergency & I”! I’ve been biding my time hoping they would repress it and it paid off!

Favorite album of all time?
Garrett: If someone’s holding a gun to my head, Dismemberment Plan “Emergency & I”
Jordan: Wow, I honestly have no clue how to answer that question. I guess it all comes down to what mood I am in. I definitely have favorites, I love Wilco’s “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” and Radiohead’s “OK Computer”, and I’m also a huge advocate for “Pinkerton”!

Least favorite/most disappointing album?
Garrett: Maybe”Coexist”… I don’t want to be mean though :(
Jordan: Recently, I have to think Bloc Party’s “Four”. Honestly, every follow up from them has left me a little disappointed. They don’t have to recapture the magic of their debut, just make another album that felt as inspired.

First concert attended?
Garrett: Sadly, Lynyrd Skynyrd at a Pittsburgh Pirates game when I was like 12… if you can count that as a concert.
Jordan: Radiohead during their ‘In Rainbows’ tour, it was just amazing. No other words.

Last concert?
Garrett: Motive at Smiling Moose in Pittsburgh!
Jordan: The National in Barclays Center, it was a really incredible experience. It is crazy to think where they are now; they completely fit into the mold of an arena concert. It was intimate and raw, even with all those people.

Favorite concert ever?
Garrett: JPNDRDS on June 16.
Jordan: LCD Soundsystem’s farewell concert at Madison Square Garden!

Least favorite concert?
Garrett: That Lynyrd Skynyrd “show”…
Jordan: I’ve loved every concert I have been too honestly!

Any thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh?
Garrett: Really awesome! When you come from a town where there is literally nothing to do every city is exciting! Pittsburghers are really passionate too so that’s cool!
Jordan: I’ve always just really loved Pittsburgh. It always feels natural to be there. Being from a small town it is easy to get bored, but Pittsburgh always has something fresh about it. There’s just so much history, so much good music. You can’t help but love it.

Thanks, fellas. You been a band for two years now and already have changed your name? Nice!