Showing posts with label Naked Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naked Spirit. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2015

First/Last-Naked Spirit

Naked Spirit is a fairly new-ish rock quartet from Pittsburgh who has one very cool single out entitled 'Til You're Mine' which you can probably hear them play this Thursday (3/19) at the People's Warehouse gig. I am really looking forward to hearing more from these guys. Until then I want to thank Travis McKenrick (Guitar/Vocals) for taking the time to participate in this edition of First/Last.

The first album you ever bought?
The first album that I used my own money for was Metallica's “S&M”, which is a 2 CD live album with an orchestra. I remember mowing my yard to it on full rabbit speed.

Your last album bought?
I just bought the most recent 7" from our friends in Eternal Sleep who are also from Pittsburgh.

Favorite album of all time?
This is tough, I think I would have to go with “Darkness On The Edge Of Town” by Bruce Springsteen.

Least favorite/most disappointing album?
I would say my least favorite record by a band that I like would have to be “Deja Entendu” by Brand New. I'm sure I'll hear about that from a lot of people.

First concert attended?
This is pretty embarrassing, but my first concert ever was N'SYNC when I was probably 7 or 8.

Last concert?
The last show I went to was Enabler, Black Mask, Meth Quarry, Wrought Iron, and Cringe at the Mr. Roboto Project.

Favorite concert ever?
I saw Brand New last year, that was awesome. Although with The Replacements show coming up, I'm sure that'll take first place.

Least favorite concert?
This is tough too. As much as I would like to say N'SYNC, I'm sure I loved it. I'll go with Night Ranger, I had VIP passes and seeing old men trashing backstage areas is pretty weird.

Favorite thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh?
My favorite thing about Pittsburgh is the music scene right now. I come from a really small town and being afforded the option of having a ton of shows every week is a really awesome thing. We have met a lot of really good friends through playing local shows. Make sure to check out KHeeS, Fake Grave, Divorce, Eternal Sleep, Driver, Killing Thing, No Time, Hounds of Hate, and YRS.

Thanks, Travis. I am totally digging the song you have out. When are you guys putting out more, man?