Showing posts with label Band of Lovers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Band of Lovers. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

First/Last - Band of Lovers

"“It’s a golden road trip,” reflect the band’s lifestyle- born on the road in the fall of 2013 and living and touring full-time in their self-converted 1997 Dodge van, the music they write reflects their way of life. With a modern take on folk sound and pop structure, their songs draw inspiration from the stories and landscapes of North America. The constant travel draws new and evolving sounds from the duo, and their current tour (with San Francisco drummer Liliana Urbain) will bring them across the country to the hills of North Carolina, where they plan to hibernate in preparation for the recording of their sophomore album."

Band of Lovers is an acoustic chamber pop band from upstate New York who will be in Pittsburgh Tuesday night (5/31) at the comfy confines of Snake Hill with Pittsburgh folk fave Brad Yoder. I want to thank Dave Strumfeld (Guitar/Vocals), Sabina Beachdell (Ukulele/Vocals), and Liliana Urbain (Drums/Vocals) for taking the time to participate in this edition of First/Last.

The first album you ever bought?
Dave Strumfeld: The Village People Greatest Hits, but we don't really talk about that. The Wallflowers Bringing Down the Horse was the first one I got when I knew what I was doing.
Sabina Beachdell: Ace of Base The Sign.
Liliana Urbain: Britney Spears Oops... I Did it Again.

Your last album bought?
Bird and the Bee Recreational Love.
Sabina: Cloud Cult Advice from the Happy Hippopotamus.
Liliana: The Dear Hunter Act IV: Rebirth and Reprise.

Favorite album of all time?
Dave: The Beatles Abbey Road.
Sabina: Modest Mouse This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing to Think About.
Liliana: Maroon 5 Songs About Jane.

Least favorite/most disappointing album?
Dave: Dang, that's a tough question.
Sabina: Anything I listened to from the ages of 8-12.
Liliana: All I can really think of is an album I made for my parents for Christmas.

First concert attended?
Dave: Beach Boys - my parents took me. John Stamos was playing with them.
Sabina: Lilith Fair circa late 90's.
Liliana: The Teddy Bear band.

Last concert?
Dave: Can't actually remember - but Bonnaroo 2014 was the last big one that I loved.
Sabina: Father John Misty at Hardly Strictly in San Francisco.
Liliana: Punch Brothers.

Favorite concert ever?
Dave: Paul McCartney without a doubt.
Sabina: I'm going to have to agree with Dave.
Liliana: When I was really little my dad played in Bolivian band, and at one show he debuted a song he wrote for me and I danced.

Least favorite concert?
Dave: Also too hard to say.
Sabina: Any concert that I want to see but can't get to.
Liliana: When I performed the album I wrote for my parents for Christmas.

Any thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh?
Dave: Well, this will be our first time through Pittsburgh, so let's make it a good one, right!? Though I totally think of That Thing You Do - love that movie.
Sabina: I think I drove through there as a baby, but I'll let you know next time!
Liliana: Here I come, Pittsburgh!

Thanks, all. Snake Hill is one of my fave places in town to experience live music. Hope you have fun!