Which brings us to The Paperhead. They are three guys (Ryan Jennings, Walker Mimms, and Peter Stringer-Hye) from Nashville who in the summer of 2010 recorded their self-titled debut album virtually on their own and have just recently released it through Trouble In Mind records. What is astounding about this album is not that they were only 18 when they recorded it but that this is the most authentic slab of mind melting lysergic goodness I have heard in 40+ years. It's amazing what these dudes produced. They have all since gone their separate ways to college but plans are for a cross country tour during their summer break. As for a follow up? Ryan responds, "We're going to definitely keep recording, I like what we've
done... but I know we can do MUCH better!" Sweet. I am crossing my fingers for a Pittsburgh date. In the meantime, the guys were cool enough to participate in this 'trippy' edition of First/Last Fridays.
The first album you ever bought?
Ryan Jennings: I think I got The White album with my dad when I was in 3rd grade.
Walker Mimms: Probably something by Backstreet Boys or N’Sync.
Peter Stringer-Hye: I can't quite remember...either Will Smith's Big Willie Style or one of those NOW! CDs. I think it was the Will Smith.
Your last album bought?
Ryan: John Hartford - Earthwords & Music.
Walker: Throbbing Gristle - Second Annual Report.
Peter: The Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood record.
Favorite album of all time?
Ryan: The Piper at The Gates of Dawn.
Walker: Pink Floyd - Piper at the Gates of Dawn, but right now Louvin Brothers - Satan is Real.
Peter: Probably The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour.
Least favorite/most disappointing album?
Ryan: Hmmmm, ha, I guess anything by Creed.
Walker: Dee Dee King - Standing in the Spotlight.
Peter: Most disappointing: Kings of Leon - Only By the Night. Least fav: Starship - Knee Deep in the Hoopla.
First concert attended?
Ryan: My parents took me to see The Rolling Stones when I was 5.
Walker: Hanson at the Starwood Amphitheater in Nashville, TN, 1997.
Peter: Some outdoor Neil Young concert that my parents took me to when I was too young to remember.
Last concert?
Ryan: Lil B (The Basedgod).
Walker: Ty Segall, Strange Boys in Austin a month ago.
Peter: Odd Future (OFWGKTA) at SXSW.
Favorite concert ever?
Ryan: So many! Maybe this Dungen concert in Asheville we all went to. Possibly Neil Young last summer.
Walker: Either Neil Young in Nashville last summer or Dungen in Asheville, NC in 2009.
Peter: Dungen at the Grey Eagle in Asheville.
Least favorite concert?
Ryan: Hmm, I don’t know...Gwar was pretty bad. I kinda like seeing bands I
dislike for some reason, so I don’t know.
Walker: Was probably passing by Widespread Panic at Bonnaroo.
Peter: Zappa Plays Zappa at Bonnaroo.
Any thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh
Ryan: Never been, but I’m excited to visit this summer!
Walker: I've never been to Pittsburgh before.
Peter: Never been but it seems pretty cool.
Thanks so much fellas. I am really grooving on the music. A job very well done. I am gunning for that Pittsburgh date!
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