Tuesday March 31, 2009
Garfield Artworks
As endearing as Garfield Artworks is for us photogs with it's aesthetically awful cobwebs and grime stains on the walls, the biggest challenge is the lighting. Too lousy 100 watt bulbs to create 'art' is a task, man. So it's even more fun when a band shows projections and turns off said lights ...great, I'm screwed. Yeah, it's a pain but the results IMO turn out extremely cool and worth the effort. Seriously, it's a gamble and I end up shooting ten times more shots to get the good ones.
Worth it? Sure. More tomorrow.
Do venues generally let you take your camera in? I took my really good camera in to Mr Smalls once and they weren't too happy about it. Usually I have to stick to my tiny digital pocket camera.
Certain venues (Smalls, Diesel, bigger sheds) usually aren't cool with the DSLR's. I have found it all depends on the band moreso as opposed to the venue. You usually have to request a photo pass and all the rules that applies to the pass(first three songs only the most prominent). I have been dealing with this problem as long as I have had my camera. Hit or miss in most cases.
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