This show was fantastic. The album these guys made is easily in my top ten for the year. Why did I wait three months to post it? I get lazy and have literally thousands of images to sift through. I am not kidding. At this show alone, I took 200 pictures and Conor just seemed to scream into the mic from my point of view. No variation at all. I was lucky enough to get a photo pass for this. Three songs and I am out. No pit access. When I go to get it, they let the audience in before me and I am stuck trying to jockey a position with these teenage uber fans. Bummer, man. I was standing there for three hours. Standing. There. For three hours. I am getting old. I felt they didn't turn out nice the next day, so I put it off and another show came up. It's funny because even though these pictures aren't that great, in retrospect, they aren't that bad. Better than I have seen yet from Smalls that night. Maybe I shouldn't stop trudging through the label contacts, managers, security, college kids, and general time away from my beautiful family to do this? Nah, I the love music.
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