Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dawes are awesome! I have been lucky enough to catch them twice here in town previously and they return next week to play a free show with Sara Watkins opening up. Musically, this years Arts Fest is one of the best in recent years with the inclusion of Dawes certainly being one of the reasons why. Main man Taylor Goldsmith was cool enough to take a few minutes to participate in this edition of First/Last.

The first album you ever bought?
Weezer's “Blue Album”, I think.

Your last album bought?
Father John Misty's “Fear Fun”.

Favorite album of all time?
Toss up between Warren Zevon self-titled,
Hejira” by Joni Mitchell and “Master And Everyone” by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy.

Least favorite/most disappointing album?
I guess I don't have one.

First concert attended?
Probably one of my dad's.

Last concert?
Hang Out Fest.

Favorite concert ever?
Paul Simon, Neil Young, Tom's a tough call.

Least favorite concert?
Don't have one.

Any thoughts, experiences about Pittsburgh?
We've had only fun shows in Pittsburgh and look forward to getting back. I also like how the football stadium seems almost as big as the city.

Thanks, Taylor. Always love seeing you guys play and next week will be no different, I'm sure.

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